Five years
Number Available
Year 1 $30,000
Year 2 $30,000
Year 3 $30,000
Year 4 $30,000
Year 5 $30,000
Total $150,000
Athletic Complex
Ability to name the athletic complex comprising seven full-size, multipurpose fields
Sponsor name prominently displayed at each of the complex entrances
Sponsor name permanently displayed on sponsor wall as a founding sponsor
Press release to local media outlets announcing sponsorship
Social media announcement detailing sponsorship
Feature on Neumeyer Farm website about sponsorship
Listing as a sponsor on the Neumeyer Farm site with link to website
Annual sponsor recognition by Bennington Youth Football and Bennington Soccer Club
Sponsor name on Neumeyer Farm marketing materials
Sponsor name on tournament brochures, signage and other materials
Opportunity to set up an informational booth at athletic tournaments
Opportunity to include promotional items in tournament goodie bags